Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Degeneracy

Friday night: after dinner, I hop on the bus and head to Goldies for some limit poker. I played limit for the first time in MONTHS last week, and it was an interesting change of pace. Still not my cup of tea (I ended just below even for the two sessions), but I think it's a good thing to come back to every now and again. Limit is the place for good, solid, standard, ABC poker: nothing fancy about it.

Session time: 5 hours

Saturday I took a skate around Greenlake park, had some lunch, and around 2:30 headed up to the Tulalip. As I was sitting down to play (waited less than 5 minutes), a line of about 20 people came streaming through the doors to get on the poker lists. Within minutes the $1/$2 list was about 10 deep.

I played that session through the night / morning, and ended up leaving the casino around 6am.

Saturday to Sunday session time: 15 hours

Well, Sunday;s action didn't disappoint! Though I got their later than usual (7:00pm), I was sat within 5 minutes. Awesome action. Awesome. The $1/$2 game dwindled from 3 tables to 2 down to 1, and let me tell you: the 4am-7am table was juiiiiccceeyy!! That game never broke, and at 1pm on Memorial Day, there was a list about 10 deep for $1/$2.

Session time: 18.5 hours

And I have no clue how I am keeping my eyes open right now. Matter of fact I've been drifting in and out on occasion, and when I do it's interesting because whatever dreamlet starts going through my head starts to come out in what I'm typing (yes, I can type with my eyes closed and apparently half-conscious).

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