Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Deciding and acting

I've been mulling this over for months now. I've been back in school for a year; I'm half-way through the program, and 1/4 way to being certified by WA state as a CDP (chemical dependency professional). And I'm sick of it.

I'm done. I'm done with school. I'm done with it all.

I've hated my job for the past 1.5 years. I'm sick and tired of computers and managers and all that crap.

Tomorrow, I'm quitting my job.

I'm moving to Vegas, and going to be a professional poker player.

I've been saving money for the past year, theoretically so I can do a CDP internship and still be able to pay rent. Instead, I'll be using that as my $1/$2 bankroll.

This weekend in Vegas with the girlfriend will still be 'vacation,' but once I get back to Seattle I'll be selling my things, packing a few belongings, and gettin' outta the Emerald City! I should be there permanently next weekend (4/11).

To those who say you can't make a living at $1/$2 - I plan to prove you wrong!


Shrike said...

This is one of the better April 1st jokes I've read today.


BWoP said...

Wynn $1/$3 NLHE is $100 min / $500 max. Most people buy in between $200 and $300.

GL this weekend!