I raised preflop, jl555 (whom I played HU in the last Riverchaser's tourny) pushed. I'm thinkin' it could be a resteal with air or suited connectors or something... so... *sigh* I called. Ace-freakin-10 sooooted.
2 hands later, I get A10o UTG, SO low in chips I need to get it in there with pretty much ATC, so I shoved... 44 beat me.
I played well -- very well, after the first 20 minutes where I was pretty weak. Granted I was pretty much card-dead for most of the game, and I really think of all the pots I won I was only certain I had the best hand once; every other hand I won by exploiting my (hopefully) tight image, and making re-raises of smallish bets on scary boards.
Ace-freakin'-10. What was I thinking?! AK - OK, fine - at that point with my chips getting a bit low anyway, I'd have to call. AQ - probably there too. But A10?!!
Sometimes I just overthink, and implode. And since I'm still very much a beginner at this game, overthinking is bad: most often, the most obvious play is the right play. Here, the most obvious play was to fold and wait for a better opportunity. I made a poor decision that busted me.
Oh, well - live and learn.
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