Friday, September 14, 2007

We'll be right back after this short break....

...well, actually I took a short break from playing; I've been so freakin' stressed at work that I had no interest whatsoever in playing pretty much all week. I had made plans (in my head) to hit the local Indian Reservation casino to play some no limit cash this weekend (well, technically it's a 2-500 spread), but I'm not sure if I'll be going. Will decide that tomorrow and/or Sunday; got my Flexcar stuff all setup, so all I have to do if I wanna go is reserve the car, and hop in and drive.

Onto the "bad beat of the night." My first sit n go all week, I'm playing super-tight as I usually do for the first 4 rounds (except for one hand that I just stole from a guy by firing 3 bullets - he was a chaser and no draw he may have been on would have gotten there), mostly because I'm completely card dead. The best hand I got - pocket 6's in the SB, I laid down to a raise and re-raise preflop; I wish I'd have closed my eyes for the flop because I'd have flopped a set and raked in a HUGE pot. BUT that's not the bad beat....

SO here I am, I've seen 5 flops: 3 from the bb, 1 from the sb, and 1 from ep when I stole the pot from the guy. I have yet to make a pre flop raise, and then we're 25 minutes into this sit n go, when a very aggressive player in mp makes it 3x's the pot; a guy who's been steal-raising a number of times doubles, and I have QQ. I can call, or re-raise. Since I'm OOP, I'm leaning more towards re-raising; pot-sized raise would leave me with like 200 chips, so I shove. MP folds, button calls with......KJ. Yep, you gotta figure the guy who puts in his first preflop raise, and his tourny life on the line, must be just on a steal.

The picture does a better job explaining...

I love players who will call an all-in by an uber-tight player, for 2/3 of their chips, with KJs. I do - I get there chips most of the time! And then the other times I gotta take a beat and vent on my blog about it.

*sigh* I guess it's no worse than calling an all-in with A10s.

It's after midnight, I want to play more, but I'm just feeling SO not into it. Maybe I'll try a token sit n go, try to get a buy-in for a weekend guarantee tourny. Or maybe I'll just go read some more Kurt Vonnegut.

I forgot about the $1 rebuy donkament tonight; was even here in time to catch it. Also spaced Wednesday on the Mookie; actually I remembered the tourny, but forgot the time - I was logged into work from home until 6:15, and thought I missed it, forgetting it's a 7pm start for me. Oh, well, next week. Or maybe not. I just kinda lost the "zest." Maybe a weekend poker outing is what I need.

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