Monday, July 30, 2007


So I bagged the $24K deep stack tourny tonight... why? I dunno... I won my token yesterday afternoon, and when it came time to sign up today, I just... I decided I wasn't ready. I'm such a dork sometimes....

Instead, I got to mutter the word "sick" way too many times... I played some sit n go's, and saw some of the most horrifying suck outs, re-suck outs, 2-outer rivers, runner-runner flushes, runner runner boats, and other god awful beats. Sundays must be the day the Tilt tech crew says, "Hey, let's make sure that whoever gets all their money in BAD wins today!"

Sickest example: I'm in a heads-up sit n go (never played them before today; they're good for me I think as I pretty much suck heads up), I've been playing uber-aggressive and have about 2300. I pick up rockets in the BB and raise 5 x's BB after the dude limps, which he calls. Flop: rags (5 8 2 rainbow), I bet the pot, and dude moves all in. ?! OK, fine - call... he tables.... 2 3s!!! The damn river brings a freakin' 3. Upside of this is I climbed back and won the damn thing (serves him right for tryin' to push me out with bottom pair THREE KICKER!).

2nd sickest: in an 18-seater, down to the last 6, I get it all in with aces vs AK; 2 kings on the flop cripple me. 3rd sickest: very next hand I pick up AQs and shove, same dude that just cracked my aces calls -- he's got aces. And yes, they hold up this time.

Sick. Usually tough to tilt me for longer than a minute, but I was on serious tilt after this. I decided to close up tilt for the night before I spewed cash every which way.

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