Tuesday, January 15, 2008

limits, & discipline

So I broke a bit of a cardinal rule the other night: I played a limit above what my bankroll can safely withstand. I didn't go all Rounders and put my whole stake at the table or anything silly. I only played at $0.10/$0.25. My bankroll is just way too light to sustain any swings at this level, and I knew that if I busted here that I would have to permanently banish myself from this limit until I've built back up.

Good news: a) I didn't bust, and b) I ended about $10 up.

Bad news: I played like a pussy.

Due only to my own idiocy as I have been on a big downswing, I sat at a $25 NL table the other night, with a $20 buy in. I justified this as "OK" since I typically 2-table at $10NL, so I have the same amount on the line (and no, in a much more lucid frame of mind I don't buy this!). It's really amazing the difference in play at these two levels, and if anything I think that $25NL may even be easier to beat.

Why? Because the players at $25 NL seem to "know a little bit" about what they're doing, which if you use to your advantage can let you steal pots you don't even have the right to be in in the first place.

I'm torn over this, though. My online bankroll is too light to safely play there right now, BUT I enjoy playing there much more than $10NL. It's a more interesting game, whereas $10NL feels more like robot-poker.

I've got to have discipline, though, or else my online roll will be at a great risk.

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